Trigrep - Automated Security Scanning for Source Code with the Power of Semgrep and Trivy Integration

Trigrep - Automated Security Scanning for Source Code with the Power of Semgrep and Trivy Integration

Understanding SAST and SCA

  • SAST (Static Application Security Testing): This technique analyzes source code, bytecode, or binary code for vulnerabilities without executing the application. It is useful for detecting security issues such as injection flaws, insecure coding practices, and hardcoded credentials.
  • SCA (Software Composition Analysis): SCA scans third-party dependencies and libraries for known vulnerabilities by checking them against public vulnerability databases like the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) and GitHub Advisory.

Trivy and Semgrep complement each other by covering both these testing methodologies.

Overview of Trivy and Semgrep

Trivy – A Powerful SCA and Container Security Scanner

Trivy is an open-source vulnerability scanner developed by Aqua Security that performs dependency analysis and security scanning for:

  • Source code repositories
  • Container images
  • File systems
  • Virtual machines
  • Kubernetes clusters

Why Trivy

Trivy Scans
  • Fast and efficient scanning with minimal configuration.
  • Supports multiple formats (JSON, SARIF, table view) for easy integration with security dashboards.
  • Extensive vulnerability database including NVD, GitHub Advisory Database, and more.
  • Detects vulnerabilities in OS packages, dependencies (Maven, npm, Go modules, etc.), and misconfigurations.

Semgrep – A Lightweight and Customizable SAST Tool

Semgrep is a powerful static code analysis tool designed to detect security flaws in source code using pattern-based matching. It provides a highly customizable rule engine, making it a flexible alternative to traditional SAST solutions.

Why Semgrep

  • Supports multiple programming languages including Java, JavaScript, Python, and Go.
  • Lightweight and does not require compilation or deep program analysis.
  • Allows developers to define custom security rules tailored to their application.
  • Fast execution, making it ideal for CI/CD pipelines and DevSecOps workflows.

Integrating Trivy & Semgrep into a Web Application

To demonstrate the effectiveness of Trivy and Semgrep, I developed a Flask-based web application that centralizes security scanning results. The system allows users to:

  1. Upload their Java project.
  2. Execute scans using Trivy (for dependency analysis) and Semgrep (for source code analysis).
  3. View and manage security findings through an intuitive web dashboard.

Technology Stack

  • Backend: Flask (Python)
  • Database: MySQL with SQLAlchemy ORM
  • Frontend: Bootstrap 5, jQuery, DataTables
  • Security Tools: Trivy (CLI-based scanning), Semgrep (custom rule-based scanning)
MVC Models


Insecure bank

I perform a scan on target:

Access the website at: and log in with the username:password as 0xl4p:0xl4p@2025.


Create a new project "Insecure Bank v2" and upload the source code to the website

Select Scan Type, here I use SAST (ie Semgrep will be used in this case), on the contrary, Trivy will perform SCA.

Scan Type

The results:

SAST Scan Result
Detailed result of a security vulnerability

Select Scan type as SCA to scan for security vulnerabilities in the application's dependencies and libraries

Results of dependencies and libraries' vulnerabilities scan


The Open Redirect vulnerability (CVE-2024-22243) has been identified in Spring, allowing attackers to bypass URL authentication, leading to Open Redirect or SSRF attacks. This vulnerability occurs when UriComponentsBuilder is used to parse externally supplied URLs for server authentication validation.

  • Product: Spring Framework
  • Affected Packages: spring-web
  • Affected Versions:>= 4.3.0 <= 4.3.30>= 5.3.0 < 5.3.32>= 6.0.0 < 6.0.17>= 6.1.0 < 6.1.4
  • GitHub Repository:
spring-framework/spring-web at main · spring-projects/spring-framework
Spring Framework. Contribute to spring-projects/spring-framework development by creating an account on GitHub.


The Java Spring application is vulnerable to CVE-2024-22243.
POC open redirect
Requests' Logs on the HTTP server at port 8008 of localhost.

Custom Rules for Semgrep

Detecting unsafe use of Uricombonentsbuilder

Detection Rule: Direct Calls to UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString

Detecting unsafe use of RestTemplate

Detection Rule: Direct Calls to

Detecting unsafe use of WebClient and RestClient

Detection Rule: Direct Calls to WebClient Using Untrusted Strings

Check for the usage of UriComponentsBuilder combined with getHost() within the same scope

- id: cve-2024-22243-uricomponentsbuilder_strict
    - Java
    interfile: true
  - pattern-either:
    - patterns:
      - pattern: $CLAZZ. ... .$FUNC(...). ... .getHost()
      - pattern-not: $CLAZZ. ... .$FUNC("..."). ... .getHost()
    - patterns:
      - pattern: |
          (UriComponents $INST) = $CLAZZ. ... .$FUNC(...). ... .build();
          (UriComponents $INST).getHost();
      - pattern-not: |
          (UriComponents $INST) = $CLAZZ. ... .$FUNC("..."). ... .build();
          (UriComponents $INST).getHost();
    - patterns:
      - pattern: |
          $BUILDER = $CLAZZ. ... .$FUNC(...). ... ;
          (UriComponents $INST) = ($CLAZZ $BUILDER). ... .build();
          (UriComponents $INST).getHost();
      - pattern-not: |
          $BUILDER = $CLAZZ. ... .$FUNC("..."). ... ;
          (UriComponents $INST) = ($CLAZZ $BUILDER). ... .build();
          (UriComponents $INST).getHost();
  - metavariable-regex:
      metavariable: $CLAZZ
      regex: ^(UriComponentsBuilder|ServletUriComponentsBuilder)$
  - metavariable-regex:
      metavariable: $FUNC
      regex: ^(fromUriString|fromHttpUrl)$
  message: >-
    Potential unsafe use of Spring UriComponentsBuilder (fromUriString/fromHttpUrl), which can cause a host name mismatch (potentially resulting in open redirect or SSRF) for specially-crafted inputs.
  severity: WARNING
    - 'CWE-601: URL Redirection to Untrusted Site (Open Redirect)'
    - 'CWE-918: Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)'
    source-rule-url: ''
    category: security
    - Java
    - spring
    likelihood: MEDIUM
    impact: MEDIUM
    confidence: MEDIUM
    interfile: true

Taint flow analysis from user Input to Uricomponentsbuilder

- id: cve-2024-22243-uricomponentsbuilder_taint
    - Java
    interfile: true
  mode: taint
  - patterns:
    - pattern-either:
      - patterns:
        - pattern-either:
          - pattern-inside: |
              $METHODNAME(..., @$REQ(...) $TYPE $SOURCE, ...) {
          - pattern-inside: |
              $METHODNAME(..., @$REQ $TYPE $SOURCE, ...) {
        - metavariable-regex:
            metavariable: $TYPE
            regex: ^(?!(Integer|Long|Float|Double|Char|Boolean|int|long|float|double|char|boolean))
        - metavariable-regex:
            metavariable: $REQ
            regex: (RequestBody|PathVariable|RequestParam|RequestHeader|CookieValue|ModelAttribute)
      - patterns:
        - pattern-either:
          - pattern-inside: |
              public $METHODRETTYPE $METHODNAME(..., $TYPE $SOURCE, ...) {
          - pattern-inside: |
              public $METHODRETTYPE $METHODNAME(..., $TYPE $SOURCE, ...) {
        - metavariable-regex:
            metavariable: $TYPE
            regex: ^(?!(Integer|Long|Float|Double|Char|Boolean|int|long|float|double|char|boolean))
        - metavariable-regex:
            metavariable: $ATTR
            regex: (Request|Delete|Get|Patch|Put|Post)Mapping
    - focus-metavariable: $SOURCE
  # Unclear whether these are helpful
    - pattern: $N = $CLASS. ... .$FUNC(..., $S, ...)
      from: $S
      to: $N
    - pattern: $N = $S. ... .$FUNC(...)
      from: $S
      to: $N
  - patterns:
    - pattern-either:
      - patterns:
        - pattern: $CLASS.$FUNC(...)
        - metavariable-regex:
            metavariable: $FUNC
            regex: ^(fromUriString|fromHttpUrl)$
  message: >-
    Potential unsafe use of Spring UriComponentsBuilder (fromUriString/fromHttpUrl), which can cause a host name mismatch (potentially resulting in open redirect or SSRF) for specially-crafted inputs.
  severity: WARNING
    - 'CWE-601: URL Redirection to Untrusted Site (Open Redirect)'
    - 'CWE-918: Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)'
    source-rule-url: ''
    category: security
    - Java
    - spring
    likelihood: MEDIUM
    impact: MEDIUM
    confidence: MEDIUM
    interfile: true

Taint flow analysis for WebClient/RestClient

- id: cve-2024-todo-webclient_taint
    - Java
    interfile: true
  mode: taint
  - patterns:
    - pattern-either:
      - patterns:
        - pattern-either:
          - pattern-inside: |
              $METHODNAME(..., @$REQ(...) $TYPE $SOURCE, ...) {
          - pattern-inside: |
              $METHODNAME(..., @$REQ $TYPE $SOURCE, ...) {
        - metavariable-regex:
            metavariable: $TYPE
            regex: ^(?!(Integer|Long|Float|Double|Char|Boolean|int|long|float|double|char|boolean))
        - metavariable-regex:
            metavariable: $REQ
            regex: (RequestBody|PathVariable|RequestParam|RequestHeader|CookieValue|ModelAttribute)
      - patterns:
        - pattern-either:
          - pattern-inside: |
              public $METHODRETTYPE $METHODNAME(..., $TYPE $SOURCE, ...) {
          - pattern-inside: |
              public $METHODRETTYPE $METHODNAME(..., $TYPE $SOURCE, ...) {
        - metavariable-regex:
            metavariable: $TYPE
            regex: ^(?!(Integer|Long|Float|Double|Char|Boolean|int|long|float|double|char|boolean))
        - metavariable-regex:
            metavariable: $ATTR
            regex: (Request|Delete|Get|Patch|Put|Post)Mapping
    - focus-metavariable: $SOURCE
  # Unclear whether these are helpful
    - pattern: $N = $CLASS. ... .$FUNC(..., $S, ...)
      from: $S
      to: $N
    - pattern: $N = $S. ... .$FUNC(...)
      from: $S
      to: $N
  - patterns:
    - pattern-either:
      - pattern: (WebClient $INST). ... .$SINKFUNC($SINK, ...)
      - pattern: (WebClient.Builder $INST). ... .$SINKFUNC($SINK, ...)
      - pattern: (WebClient.RequestHeadersUriSpec $INST). ... .$SINKFUNC($SINK, ...)
      - pattern: (WebClient.RequestHeadersUriSpec<?> $INST). ... .$SINKFUNC($SINK, ...)
      - pattern: (RestClient $INST). ... .$SINKFUNC($SINK, ...)
      - pattern: (RestClient.Builder $INST). ... .$SINKFUNC($SINK, ...)
      - pattern: (RestClient.RequestHeadersUriSpec $INST). ... .$SINKFUNC($SINK, ...)
      - pattern: (RestClient.RequestHeadersUriSpec<?> $INST). ... .$SINKFUNC($SINK, ...)
    - metavariable-regex:
        metavariable: $SINKFUNC
        regex: ^(uri|create|baseUrl)$
    # - focus-metavariable: $SINK
  message: >-
    Potential unsafe use of org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient (or RestClient), which can cause a host name mismatch (potentially resulting in SSRF) for specially-crafted inputs.
  severity: WARNING
    - 'CWE-918: Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)'
    source-rule-url: ''
    category: security
    - Java
    - spring
    likelihood: MEDIUM
    impact: MEDIUM
    confidence: MEDIUM
    interfile: true

I imported these rules to Semgrep and implemented it on web interface.


The scan results from Trivy indicate that the current Spring version of the application is affected by CVE-2024-22243.

Perform a SAST scan with custom rules to assess the potential for CVE-2024-22243 vulnerabilities in the application's source code.


GitHub - dineshshetty/Android-InsecureBankv2: Vulnerable Android application for developers and security enthusiasts to learn about Android insecurities
Vulnerable Android application for developers and security enthusiasts to learn about Android insecurities - dineshshetty/Android-InsecureBankv2
CVE-2024-22243: Spring Framework URL Parsing with Host Validation
Level up your Java code and explore what Spring can do for you.